Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More

Get your toddler excited about exploring the great outdoors! Join Discovery Zone nature ambassadors for a safe and interactive nature walk on Tot Tuesdays. Each program has a focused theme and encourages exploration with a close look at the natural world while also sharing Museum treasures.

This program promotes child-focused sensory experiences and investigation with an emphasis on families exploring science together.

Weather permitting, Tot Trot Nature Walks will take place on Tuesdays unless noted otherwise. Each event will be unique and cover a different topic. Wear appropriate footwear and clothes that can get dirty or wet.

Length: About 1.5 hours
Age: Recommended for children ages 2-5 years old.
When: Most Tuesdays.


No pre-registration needed; payment will take place at the Museum before the nature walk. Each adult and child attending will need a ticket. Free for children under 2 years old. All children must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.

Nature Walk cost Members Non-Members
Per Attendee* $6 $7

* Ticket prices are the same for children and adults.

In order to make this program more accessible to our community, one Tot Trot program each month is free of charge! Check the schedule below for upcoming dates. There is still an admission charge for special exhibits and the Butterfly Rainforest.


Check-in (9:00 a.m.):
Please arrive on time to check in. Meet at the Museum’s picnic tables outside and you will be escorted to the Discovery Zone exhibit for free play.

Introduction (9:30 a.m., about 15 minutes):
An engaging introduction to the topic in the Discovery Zone exhibit with hands-on activities.

Nature Walk (about 30 minutes):
Hike outside on trails behind the Museum while allowing children to safely touch, explore and interact with items on our path.  Surprises await as we look closely at the world around us, encouraging teachable moments that are part of being outside in nature.

Wrap-up (10:30 a.m.):
Enjoy an activity and snack of peanut-free trail mix outside.

What to expect and bring

Upcoming Events


1/7 – Colors
1/14 – Winter
1/21 – Mammals
1/28 – Science Tools, FREE DAY


2/4 – Habitats
2/11 – Forests
2/18 – Oceans
2/25 – Foraging, FREE DAY


3/4 – Physics
3/11 – Biology, FREE DAY

Museum Calendar