Links to data resulting from Po Plain Project. NSF (EAR0929415 and EAR1558186)

Original Paper  Author(s) Data Description  Direct Link to the Dataset
Stratigraphic Paleoecology: Bathymetric Signatures and Sequence Overprint of Mollusk Associations from Upper Quaternary Sequences of the Po Plain, Italy Daniele Scarponi, Michal Kowalewski Abundances of mollusk species recorded in cores drilled through the late Quaternary succession of the Po coastal plain (NW Italy)


Sequence Strartigraphic Anatomy of Diversity Patterns: late Quaternary Benthic Mollusks of the Po Plain, Italy Daniele Scarponi, Michal Kowalewski Abundances of mollusk species recorded in cores drilled through the late Quaternary succession of the Po coastal plain (NW Italy)
Evolutionary and Ecological Implications of Trematode Parasitism of Modern and Fossil Northern Adriatic Bivalves John Warren Huntley, Daniele Scarponi Parasitic traces on modern and fossil bivalves recovered in sediment cores and grab samples from the Po-Adriatic system (NW Italy).
Sequence Stratigraphy and the Resolution of the Fossil Record

Daniele Scarponi, Darrell Kaufman, Alessandro Amorosi, Michał Kowalewski

Lentidium mediterraneum and Corbula gibba abundances from sediment cores and grab samples from the Po-Adriatic system (NW Italy).


Quantitative Bathymetric Models for Late Quaternary Transgressive-Regressive Cycles of the Po Plain, Italy Jacalyn M. Wittmer, Troy A Dexter, Daniele Scaponi, Alessandro Amorosi, and Michal Kowalewski Abundances of mollusk species in sediment cores and grab samples from the Po-Adriatic system (NW Italy).
Geogrpahic Variation of Parasitic and Predatory Traces on Mollusks in the Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy: Implications for the Stratigraphic Paleobiology of Biotic Interactions John Warren Huntley, Daniele Scarponi Parasitic traces on modern bivalves recovered in grab samples from the North Adriatic coastal settings (NW Italy).


Differential Responses of Marine Communities to Natural and Anthropogenic Changes Michal Kowalewski, Jacalyn M. Wittmer, Troy A. Dexter, Alessandro Amorosi, Daniele Scarponi Abundances of mollusk species recorded in cores drilled through the late Quaternary succession of the Po coastal plain (NW Italy).
Systematic Vertical and Lateral Changes in Quality and Time Resolution of the Macrofossil Record: Insights from Holocene Transgressive Deposits, Po Coastal Plain, Italy Daniele Scarponi, Michele Azzarone, Kristopher Kusnerik, Alessandro Amorosi, Kevin M. Bohacs, Tina M. Drexler, Michal Kowalewski Taphonomic degradation of (sub-)fossil mollusks recovered in core samples from the Po-Adriatic system (NW Italy).


Surges in Trematode Prevalence Linked to Centennial-Scale Flooding Events in the Adriatic Daniele Scarponi, Michele Azzarone, Michal Kowalewski, John Warren Huntley Parasitic traces on (sub-)fossil bivalves recovered in cored succession from the Po coastal plain (NW Italy).
Linking Benthic Fauna and Seismic Facies to Improve Stratigraphic Reconstructions: the Case of the Mid-Adriatic Deep Since the Late Glacial Period (Central Adriatic Sea) Michele Azzarone, Claudio Pellegrini, Giulia Barbieri, Veronica Rossi, Fabiano Gamberi. Fabio Trincardi, Daniele Scarponi Abundances of mollusk species recorded in cores drilled through the late Quaternary Po river lowstand wedge (Northern Adriatic).
Compound and Hybrid Clinothems of the Last Lowstand Mid-Adriatic Deep: Processes, Depositional Environments, Controls and Implications for Stratigraphic Analysis of Prograding Systems Fabiano Gamberi, Claudio Pellegrini, Giacomo Dalla Valle, Daniele Scarponi, Kevin Bohacs, Fabio Trincardi Abundances of mollusk species recorded in cores drilled through the late Quaternary Po river lowstand wedge (Northern Adriatic).