Collection Use Guidelines (PDF)
The McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity houses one of the world’s most important collections of Lepidoptera, and is utilized by an increasing number of students and researchers every year. In order to ensure the long-term preservation of the specimens under our care, please adhere to these guidelines when using the collections or areas in the collection rooms.
Protocol for Labeling Dissection Slides and Vials (PDF)
Destructive Sampling Policy & Agreement Form (PDF)
The McGuire Center collection recognizes the needs of the research community to use specimens in our care. In light of new technology, we must balance the future availability of this valuable biological material with potential yield of information that benefits research and is in the public interest. Therefore, we have established specific guidelines for destructive sampling of museum study specimens that is largely consistent with other ranges at the Florida Museum of Natural History and those of other national museums.
Loan Policy & Terms (PDF)
Loans may be issued by the Collection Manager, Coordinator of Collections, or a Curator. Researchers are always encouraged to personally visit if at all possible, since they will benefit from being able to examine far more specimens than through a loan. All loans are subject to our Destructive Sampling Policy.