So far, 18 different species of birds have been identified from Montbrook fossils by Florida Museum Curator of Ornithology, David Steadman!
Aves Faunal List:
- Our latest addition to the list is a swift (Family Apodidae), based on a complete radius found by a volunteer picking screenwashed sediment from Montbrook. This is the oldest known fossil of a swift from North America!
- Podilymbus sp. (grebe)
- Phalacrocorax wetmorei (cormorant)
- Ciconiidae (stork)
- Ardeidae (heron)
- Threskiornithidae (large ibis)
- Threskiornithidae (small ibis)
- Cygnus mariae (swan)
- Dendrocygna (whistling duck)
- Aix (wood duck)
- Anas sp. 1 (medium-large dabbling duck)
- Anas sp. 2 (medium dabbling duck)
- Anas sp. 3 (small dabbling duck)
- Cathartidae (condor)
- Tetraonidae (grouse)
- Odontophoridae (quail)
- Scolopacidae (sandpiper)
- Passeriformes (songbird)