Mako shark tooth. Florida Museum photo by Rachel Narducci

Mako Shark

We have a new faunal list addition to our cartilaginous fishes! It’s a mako shark (Isurus sp.) tooth discovered by Jonathan Bloch … Continue

Upper premolar of a baby gomphothere.

10,000 Specimens!

We have officially passed the 10,000 mark for cataloged Montbrook specimens! Check out the ‘Online Specimen Database‘ blog post for … Continue

Comparing two bones, modern and fossil

Skunk Addition

As Bob Tarnuzzer was sorting through and glueing Montbrook specimens, he found an intriguing distal humerus (the part of the … Continue

Gomphothere left dentary

Life After Death

The Gomphothere (elephant-like proboscidean): Rynchotherium edense Dentary, right and left with m3 and left lower tusk – also known as, … Continue

Fused carnivore toe. Florida Museum photo by Rachel Narducci.

Fused Carnivore Toe

Look what came out of the screen wash! On January 28th, Victoria Arico discovered this fused carnivore toe while digging … Continue

Tapirus polkensis lunar fossil

Faunal List Additions

Now that digging is over for the season, we have been making great progress towards processing the fossil finds. Through … Continue

fossil from a turtle shell

Turtle Nuchal

A little Trachemys sp. nuchal was discovered today! This is the front and center piece of the pond slider turtle shell, directly … Continue

Tiny fossil jacket within a bigger jacket

Jacket Within a Jacket

Plaster and burlap jackets are usually very heavy. After flipping one of these jackets, we remove as much matrix (clay, … Continue