Summary of the 2016 Fall Season

Thanks to our unusually dry weather, we only had 3 days rained out, two of those because of Hurricane Matthew early in October. Therefore, we had even more possible days to excavate fossils than anticipated. Collectively 168 different volunteers participated at the dig this season, contributing over 1,800 hours of work at the site and finding many thousands of fossils, including the first skull from a carnivore found at Montbrook. We thank again all those who came out and worked with us, in good weather or bad, to make this dig another great success.

Twenty volunteers worked at the site for 20 or more hours (some much more) and we want to especially acknowledge their efforts. They are William Buhi, Suzanne Conner, Ella Cooney, Jerry Donaldson, David Evans, Alexander Gerasimov, Mackenzie Goode, Kara Ericson, John Helling, Cindy Lockner, Sheila Lucas, Mary Lynch, Amanda Ploener, Peter Roode, Sharon Shears, Karen Stansell, Dean Warner, Lee Williams, Nancy Williams, and Patricia Williams.

Richard Hulbert standing in the excavation pit
Richard Hulbert standing in the excavation pit at the beginning of the Fall 2016 digging season
The excavation pit at the end of the Fall 2016 digging season
The excavation pit at the end of the Fall 2016 digging season. We moved a lot of dirt! (Richard is sitting in about the same area relative to the picture above).