MuseumSelfie Day on site at Montbrook


Sue Tennant found something big in her square! It’s a gomphothere scapula out here at Montbrook. Also, it’s #museumselfie day, … Continue

UF News: Searching for red pandas

Searching for red pandas

UF News: Searching for red pandas … in an elephant graveyard “A new dig site near Williston, Florida, has revealed … Continue

New flags expanding the dig site grid.

Expanding the Grid

Today we expanded the dig site to the south. Setting up this meter-square grid system requires the use of the … Continue

Montbrook dig pit

Montbrook Site 360 Image

The Gainesville Sun posted a fantastic 360 image of Montbrook on their Facebook page! Click to check it out:

montbrook dig site with volunteers and scientists

Montbrook Site description

Source: Montbrook :: Florida Museum of Natural History (An overall description of the Montbrook site) “Montbrook is the first late … Continue

One lone digger

Season Forecast

The current volunteer forecast for the 2017 digging season: Weekends: max number of volunteers = 20 Weekdays: max number of … Continue

Montbrook dig pit, beginning of Fall 2016

Fall 2016 Summary

Summary of the 2016 Fall Season Thanks to our unusually dry weather, we only had 3 days rained out, two … Continue

Volunteers digging at the Montbrook fossil site last season

Video: Fun With Fossils

Check out this video by Amanda Ploener, featuring Barbara Edmonds, Richard Hulbert, and all the rest of us!