![Skunk photo](https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/81/2017/09/36189.ngsversion.1421960254072.adapt_.1900.1-500x375.jpg)
As Bob Tarnuzzer was sorting through and glueing Montbrook specimens, he found an intriguing distal humerus (the part of the upper arm bone that ends by the elbow).
Turns out, it belonged to a member of the skunk family, Mephitidae. This family was previously unknown from the site, so is an addition to our fanual list!
The photo gallery below displays our Montbrook specimen compared to that of the left humerus of a modern skunk, Mephitis mephitis elongata.
The specimen was originally discovered, last digging season, by Amanda Ploener.