Faunal list
Abbreviations and symbols: sp. = species (singular); spp. = species (plural); cf. = compares to (used for a provisional identification); aff. = affinity (for an even more provisional identification than cf.); † = an extinct taxon.
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Important note about Montbrook’s fossils of sharks and rays: most, possibly all, of them are likely reworked. That is, they were originally preserved in older sedimentary deposits, then eroded out of the banks and bed of the river forming the Montbrook site. At least two ages of sharks and rays appear to be present: middle to early late Miocene (more common, likely source Hawthorn Group) and late Eocene (less common, likely source Ocala Limestone). Thus their fossils were already millions of years old when they were deposited at the Montbrook site.
†Ginglymostoma delfortriei (nurse shark)
Nebrius sp. (nurse shark)
Notorhynchus cepedianus (sevengilled shark)
Carcharias taurus (sand tiger shark)
aff. †Cretolamna twiggsensis (extinct lamniform shark; this species has been referred to several different genera)
†Carcharocles sokolovi (megatooth shark)
†Carcharocles megalodon (megalodon shark)
†Carcharodon hastalis (ancestral to great white shark)
Isurus sp., cf. I. oxyrinchus (mako shark)
cf. Cetorhinus sp. (basking shark)
Carcharhinus sp., cf. C. limbatus (blacktip shark)
Carcharhinus leucas (bull shark)
Carcharhinus plumbeus (sandbar shark)
Negaprion brevirostris (lemon shark)
Rhizoprionodon sp. (sharpnose shark)
Sphyrna sp. (hammerhead shark)
Galeorhinus sp.(tope shark or houndshark)
†Physogaleus contortus (small extinct tiger shark)
Galeocerdo cuvier (tiger shark)
†Hemipristis serra (snaggletooth shark)
cf. Scyliorhinidae (catshark)
Heterodontus sp. (bullhead shark)
Pristis sp. (sawfish)
Dasyatis sp. (stingray)
†Rhynchobatus sp. (wedgefish)
Rhinoptera sp. (cownose ray)
Mobula sp. cf. M. hypostoma (devil ray)
Myliobatidae (eagle ray)
Aetobatis cf. A. narinari (spotted eagle ray)
As was the case with Montbrook’s fossils of sharks and rays some of the site’s fossils of bony fish are also likely reworked from older deposits.These are most likely to be species which are fully restrict to marine environments. Fossils of such species at Montbrook consist entirely of isolated elements that are relatively sturdy. In contrast, fossils of bony fish which live in fresh water either full or part time are better preserved and sometimes found as associated or articulated skeletons.
Atractosteus spatula (alligator gar)
Lepiosteus osseus (longnose gar)
Lepiosteus oculatus (spotted gar)
Amia sp. (bowfin)
Megalops sp., cf. M. atlantica (atlantic tarpon)
Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish)
Ariopsis sp. (marine catfish)
Bodianus sp. (hogfish)
Lachnolaimus sp. (hogfish)
Halichoeressp. (wrasse)
Pseudodax sp. (chiseltooth wrasse)
Xyrichtys sp (razorfish)
Scaridae, genus and species indet. (parrotfish)
Trichiuridae, genus and species indet. (cutlassfish)
Lepomis gulosus (warmouth)
Lepomis microlophus (redear sunfish)
Micropterus sp. (black bass)
Centrarchus sp.(flier)
Centropomus sp.(snook)
Archosargus sp.(sheepshead)
Pogonias sp., cf. P. cromis (black drum)
†Aplodinotus n. sp. (freshwater drum)
Sphyraena sp.(barracuda)
Albula sp. (bonefish)
Anguilla sp. (eel)
Esox sp. (pike)
Synodus sp.(lizardfish)
Notemigonus sp.(shiner)
Poecilia sp. (guppy)
Ophidiidae, genus and species indet. (cusk-eel)
Paralichthyidae, genus and species indet. (flounder)
Notophthalmus sp.(newt)
Siren sp.(eel-like salamander with arms and no legs)
Amphiuma sp.(eel-like salamander with arms and legs)
Ambystoma sp.(mole salamander)
Bufonidae, genus and species indet. (toad)
Hylidae, genus and species indet. (treefrog)
Ranidae, genus and species indet. (water frog)
Lithobates sp. (bull frog)
†Trachemys inflata (thick-shell slider)
†Pseudemys sp. (cooter)
Terrapene sp. (box turtle)
†Apalone sp. (softshell turtle)
†Hesperotestudo (Caudochelys) sp. (large tortoise)
†Hesperotestudo (Hesperotestudo ) turgida-group (small tortoise)
†Macrochelys sp. (alligator snapping turtle)
†Sternotherus bonevalleyensis (musk turtle)
Kinosternon sp. (mud turtle)
Ophisaurus sp. (glass lizard)
Colubridae (several spp.) (non-venomous terrestrial snake)
Natricidae (several spp.) (non-venomous water snake)
Thamnophis sp. (garter snake)
Heterodon sp. (hognose snake)
Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator)
Odontophoridae, genus and species indet. (quail)
Tetraoninae, genus and species indet. (grouse)
†Dendrocygna undescribed species(whistling duck)
†Aix undescribed species(wood duck)
Anas three spp.(dabbling ducks)
†Nettapus sp. (pygmy goose)
†Cygnus mariae (extinct swan)
†Taphophoyx hodgei (extinct heron named from Montbrook fossils)
Cathartidae, genus and species indet. (condor)
Accipitridae, genus and species indet. (hawk)
Ciconiidae, genus and species indet. (stork)
†Eudocimus new species (ibis)
†Phalacrocorax wetmorei (extinct cormorant)
Podilymbus sp.(grebe)
Apodidae, genus and species indet. (swift)
†Soricidae, genus and species indet. (shrew)
†Talpidae, genus and species indet. (mole)
†Leporidae, genus and species indet. (rabbit)
Sciuridae, genus and species indet. (squirrel)
†Bensonomys sp. (large extinct mouse)
†Baiomys sp. (extinct pygmy mouse)
†Rodentia, cf. Heteromyidae (pocket mice)
†Rodentia, cf. Geomyidae (pocket gopher)
†Borophagus hilli (hyena dog)
Vulpini, genus and species indet. (fox)
†Plionarctos sp. (short-faced bear)
†Mephitidae, genus and species indet. (skunk)
†cf. Lontra sp. (river otter)
†Enhydritherium terraenovae (giant otter)
†Rhizosmilodon fiteae (small saber-toothed cat)
†“Felis” rexroadensis (extinct lynx-like cat)
†Mammut sellardsi (mastodon)
†Rhynchotherium sp.(gomphothere)
†Teleoceras sp. (short-legged rhino)
†Nannippus aztecus (small three-toed horse)
†Pseudhipparion simpsoni (very small three-toed horse)
†Cormohipparion sp. (medium-sized three-toed horse)
†cf. Tapirus polkensis (dwarf tapir)
†Protherohyus brachydontus (peccary)
†Pleiolama vera (llama)
†Hemiauchenia edensis (dwarf llama)
†Subantilocapra garciae (dwarf pronghorn)
†Hexameryx simpsoni (six-horned pronghorn)
†Eocoileus gentryorum (deer)