Jon Bloch is very pleased to announce that, after careful review by the Awards Committee (Lucas Majure, Kitty Emery, Hongshan Wang, and Ed Stanley), the following proposals submitted to the NH Spring 2023 Travel Award Competition have been funded:

Graduate Students

The 2023 Spring Student Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History, including funds from the Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowment . If you would like to help support this fund for future student awards, please go to:

Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowed Fellowship

Tyler Bowling (Shark Program)
Assessing demography in juvenile blacktip sharks/Fieldwork at Cedar Key

Steven Bryum (Advisor: Gavin Naylor)
Developmental trajectory of chondrichthyans/Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) 2023 meeting

Joshua Doby (Advisor: Rob Guralnick)
Changes in mammalian communities at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition/Research-Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill

Anthony P. Farace (Advisor: Neill Wallis)
Society for Ceramic microstructure of Ramey Incised jars/Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

Nick Gardner (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Occupancy patterns of terrestrial and understory birds in an Amazonian flooded forest in northeastern Peru /Fieldwork – Amazon Research Center

José Esteban Jiménez Vargas (Advisor: Lucas Majure)
Phylogeny and evolution of the hyperdiverse Neotropical Peperomias/Research-Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium

Cameron Munley (Advisor: Michelle Lefebvre)
A zooarchaeological meta-analysis of Ceramic age marine fish harvesting across the Caribbean Archipelago: generating baselines for assessing stability/Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

Thomas Murphy (Advisor: Lucas Majure)
Evolution of Neotropical climbers-Smilax/Research-Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium

Autumn Rose (Advisor: Kitty Emery)
Human-caused environmental changes and their effects on the Classic Maya/Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

Luis Torres (Advisor: Michal Kowalewski)
Improving understanding of the ecological importance of echinoids and mollusks/Geological Society of America

Abigail Uehling (Advisor: Gustav Paulay)
Exploring patterns of regional isolation as well as local connectivity in the asterinid sea star,
Aquilonastra, across the Arabian Peninsula/Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) CMSS

Collections Managers & Scientific Staff (CMSS)

The CMSS 2024 Spring Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History, including funds from the Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund and the Mary Ross Endowment. If you would like to help support these funds for future Postdoc and CMSS travel awards, please go to:

Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund

Mary Ross Endowment

Nicole Cannarozzi (Collections Manager, Environmental Archaeology)
Panel- Expanding the Contexts and Conversations of Collections-Based Research/Society for Historical Archaeology meeting

Andrei Sourakov (Collections Manager, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity)
Erythrina moth twig borer research/Fieldwork – California


The Postdoc 2023 Spring Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History, including funds from the Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund and the Mary Ross Endowment. If you would like to help support these funds for future Postdoc and CMSS travel awards, please go to:

Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund

Mary Ross Endowment

Natalie Claunch (Supervisor: Rob Guralnick)
Thermal tolerance and preferences in salamanders/Research-Virginia Museum of Natural History

Daniel Paluh (Supervisor: Dave Blackburn)
Probing for the developmental mechanisms underlying repeated tooth loss in frogs/SICB 2023-special session, “What Amphibians Have Taught Us About Organism-Focused Evolutionary Biology”