Jon Bloch is very pleased to announce that, after careful review by the Awards Committee (Lucas Majure, Kitty Emery, Hongshan Wang, and Ed Stanley), the following proposals submitted to the NH Summer 2023 Travel Award Competition have been fully funded:
Graduate Students
The Graduate Student 2023 Summer Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Directors Office and the Department of Natural History, including funds from the FLMNH Gapenski Endowment.
Louis C. and Jane Gapenski EndowmentMitchell Walters (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Testing the impacts of climate change on acoustic structuring of bird communities/Fieldwork – Florida
Malu Ore Rengifo (Advisor: Lucas Majure)
Phylogeny of Chaetogastra (Melastomataceae)/Fieldwork – Peru, Bolivia
Lauren Whitehurst (Advisor: Doug Soltis)
Spatial phylogenetics of Florida/Botany 2023 – Idaho
Angelica Nogales (Advisor: Keith Willmott)
Exploring changes in butterfly community composition/Yasuni National Park – Ecuador
Ian Granville (Scott Robinson)
Study on the behavior of Snowy Owls /Fieldwork-Barrow, Alaska
Joseph Miguez (Advisor: Gavin Naylor)
Gene networks of the Atlantic Stingray/Joint meeting Herpetology and Ichthyology
Rachel Walsh (Advisor: Akito Kawahara)
Conservation genetics and ecology of the Loammi skipper (Atrytonopsis loammi)/Fieldwork – Florida
Ashley Rutoski (Advisor: Neill Wallis)
Shell tempered pottery of the Mississippian culture/Kent State University – research
Kasey Pham (Advisor Doug Soltis)
Hybridization in Eucalyptus/Botany 2023 – Idaho
Orlando Acevedo-Charry (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Could semistructured community science data replicate estimation of metapopulation dynamics?
community science data replicate estimation of metapopulation dynamics?/ATBC conference in Coimbatore, India
Olivia Maule (Advisor: Keith Willmott)
Genetic divergence in butterflies of Ecuador/Fieldwork – Ecuador – Yauni
Wenyi Zhou (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Effect of plantation forestry on avian ecological interactions/ATBC conference in Coimbatore, India
Anna Becker (Advisor: Pam Soltis)
Phylogeny of Vaccinium/Botany 2023 – Idaho
Marcel Kouete (Advisor: Dave Blackburn)
Combating the amphibian fungus pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis/ESA meeting
Riley Gott (Advisor: Keith Willmott)
Phylogenomics of Dalla, Ladda and Piruna butterflies/Museum research – AMNH, MCZ
Aditi Jayarajan (Advisor: David Reed)
Cranial morphology of bats using CT scanning/NOCTURN Meeting
Adania Flemming (Dave Blackburn)
Hypothesis testing on the topminnow, Fundulus notti/Joint meeting Herpetology and Ichthyology
Undergraduate Students
The Graduate Student 2023 Summer Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Directors Office and the Department of Natural History, including funds from the FLMNH Gapenski Endowment.
Louis C. and Jane Gapenski EndowmentAlva Mihalick (Advisor: Dave Blackburn)
Polyploidy in two African frogs, Astylosternus and Trichobatrachus /Evolution Conference
Morgan Davidson (Advisor: Dave Blackburn)
Polyploidy in two African frogs, Astylosternus and Trichobatrachus /Evolution Conference
Aidan Bloch (Keith Willmott)
Systematics of Pedaliodes butterflies/Fieldwork – Ecuador – Yauni
Collections Managers & Scientific Staff
The CMSS 2023 Summer Travel Awards are funded with the support of the FLMNH Directors Office and the Department of Natural History.
Jennifer Green (South Florida Archaeology and Ethnography)
Facilitator of organized session on FAIR and CARE principles/International Council for Archaeozoology
Jessica King (Environmental Archaeology)
Challenges in Legacy Zooarchaeological Specimen and Data Curation/International Council for Archaeozoology
Coleman Sheehy III (Herpetology)
Recent establishment of non-native aquatic caecilians (class Amphibia, order Gymnophiona, Typhlonectes natans) in southern Florida/Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH).
Verity Mathis (Mammalogy)
Genetic analysis of Sherman’s Short-tailed shrew, Blarina shermani/13th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC) and 102nd American Society of Mammologists (ASM)
Lei Yang (Shark Program)
Phylogenomics of the thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata/Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH)