Jon Bloch is very pleased to announce that, after careful review by the Awards Committee (Lucas Majure, Kitty Emery, Hongshan Wang, and Ed Stanley), the following proposals submitted to the NH Summer 2024 Travel Award Competition have been funded:

Graduate Students

The 2024 Summer Graduate Student Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History using funds from the Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowment and the B.J. and Eve Wilder Endowment. If you would like to help support these funds for future student awards, please go to:

Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowed Fellowship
B.J. and Eve Wilder Endowment

Stephanie Killingsworth (Advisor: Bruce MacFadden)
PhD research comparing closest Neogene relatives of modern Equus from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum; travel to Los Angeles, CA and Canyon, TX.

Wenyi Zhou (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Impacts of Alder-leaf Birch (Betula alnoides) plantations on the body condition of birds in southwestern China; Conference of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Kigali, Rwanda

Chung-Te Cheng (Advisor: Akito Kawahara)
International Conference Participation and Collaborative Fieldwork; International Congress of Entomology; Kyoto, Japan

Liz B. Hurtado (Advisor: Scott Robinson)
Determining the Origin of Birds Killed by Window Collision Using Hydrogen Stable Isotopes; Spatial Stable Isotope Short Course at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.

Emeline Pano (Advisor: Nico Cellinese)
Understanding the Evolutionary History of the North American Desert Fouquieria through Phylogenomics and Niche Modeling; Botany Society of America meeting in Grand Rapids, MI

Abigail Uehling (Advisor: Gustav Paulay)
PhD research on Sea Stars in the Invertebrate Zoology Collections at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Michelle Gaynor (Advisor: Pam Soltis)
Presenting mixed-ploidy models; 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, QC, Canada

Malu Ore Rengifo (Advisor: Lucas Majure)
Exploring the evolutionary complexity of Chaetogastra within the Andean Clade; International Botany Congress (IBC), Madrid, Spain

Elizabeth White (Advisor: Doug Soltis)
Tracing origins of a flora and drivers of speciation in a center of overlooked complexity in a North American biodiversity hotspot; International Botany Congress (IBC), Madrid, Spain

Kelsey Fenner (Advisor: Ed Stanley)
Presentation at the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles & MicroCT scanning skink specimens at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, MI

Autumn Rose (Advisor: Kitty Emery)
Human-Animal Relations in a Changing Landscape: preliminary site visitations; Selin Farm Archaeological Project in Northern Honduras, the Lancantún Arcahaeological Project in Chiapas, Mexico, and the Suchilapan Archaeological Project in Veracruz, Mexico

Francisco Ramon Nares (Advisor: Steve Manchester)
Plant response to the terrestrial manifestation of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in the Pacific Northwest; Fieldwork in the Chuckanut Basin in northwestern Washington

Lazaro W. Vinola Lopez (Advisor: Jon Bloch)
A new glimpse into the ancient diversity of Hispaniola: faunal change and assembly of modern Caribbean biodiversity; North American Paleontological Convention, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Melanie Giangreco (Advisor: Megan Ennes)
Engaging Educators; American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference, travel to Gainesville, Florida

Ashley M. Rutkoski (Advisor: Neill Wallis)
Using Experimental Archaeology to explore variation in shell tempered pottery; training in Durant, Oklahoma

Ashley Hamersma (Advisor: Steve Manchester)
Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Visual Arts and Botanical Sciences; International Botanical congress Madrid Spain 2024

Julian E. Correa Narvaez (Advisor: Steve Manchester)
New fossil angiosperm from the Eocene Green River Formation; 12th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

José Esteban Jiménez (Advisor: Lucas Majure)
Phylogenomics of two poorly known terrestrial subgenera in Peperomia; Fieldwork in Colombia

Undergraduate Students

The 2024 Summer Undergraduate Student Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History using funds from the Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowed Fellowship. If you would like to help support these funds for future student awards, please go to:

Louis C. and Jane Gapenski Endowed Fellowship
B.J. and Eve Wilder Endowment

Chandana Karumanchi (Advisor: Steve Manchester)
Attending International Botanical Congress; Madrid, Spain 2024

Collections Managers & Scientific Staff (CMSS)

The CMSS 2024 Summer Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History using funds from the Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund, the Lawrence Dean Harris and Kathleen A. Deagan Endowment, and the Mary Ross Endowment. If you would like to help support future Postdoc and CMSS travel awards, please go to:

Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund
Lawrence Dean Harris and Kathleen A. Deagan Endowment
Mary Ross Endowment

Alan Franck (Herbarium)
Revision of Guilandina (Fabaceae), Sapindus (Sapindaceae), and Desmodium incanum (Fabaceae); Collections research: New York Botanical Garden

Verity Mathis (Mammalogy)
Status of Sherman’s shrew; Attend the American Society of Mammalogists 103rd annual meeting; University of Colorado in Boulder, CO

Lei Yang (Florida Program for Shark Research)
The Workshop on Molecular Evolution; University of Chicago’s Marine Biology Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts


The Postdoc 2024 Summer Travel Awards are supported by the FLMNH Department of Natural History using funds from the Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund, the Lawrence Dean Harris and Kathleen A. Deagan Endowment, and the Mary Ross Endowment. If you would like to help support future Postdoc and CMSS travel awards, please go to:

Hoyt and Marta Whipple Biodiversity Fund
Lawrence Dean Harris and Kathleen A. Deagan Endowment
Mary Ross Endowment

Monique Romeiro-Brito (Herbarium; Majure Lab)
Evolutionary Studies in the Pantropical family Melastomataceae; Botany Society of America meeting in Grand Rapids, MI

Shengchen Shan (Molecular Systematics; Soltis Lab)
CRISPR-Tragopogon; XX International Botanical Congress (IBC 2024) in Madrid, Spain