Undergraduate student researchers and volunteers contribute significantly to research conducted in the Department of Natural History. Each year, several hundred undergraduate students work on projects, including fieldwork, laboratory experiments, curatorial activities in the museum collections, and exhibit development.

These opportunities allow students to gain experience working with research collections and analyzing and interpreting data alongside a team of professional scholars. In being part of the discovery process, students are encouraged to ask questions and develop research projects to suit their own interests and build a foundation for potential future investigations after graduation.

Ways to Get Involved

Funding your Research Experience

Once students identify a specific area of research, they may also consider applying to one of the two competitive UF programs, which provide stipends to fund their museum research experience.

If you have additional questions about undergraduate research opportunities or museum-related projects for undergraduates, please contact the Undergraduate Affairs Coordinator, Dr. Mariela Pajuelo (mpajuelo@ufl.edu).