Phishing is an attempt to obtain your private information using deceptive means, usually by sending an email that appears to come from a business, school, or other trusted organization. The email may include a link that takes you to a counterfeit web site that very closely resembles a legitimate site, where you are asked to provide a password, social security number, account number, drivers license number or other personal information that can be used to steal your identity.

UF recently added a Phishing Alert button to the task ribbon of Outlook, for Windows and Mac clients, as well as in GatorCloud Webmail.

If you believe you have received a malicious email, click on the Phish Alert Report button to send the potentially dangerous email to the UF Information Security Office to analyze its content and follow up as required.

Please note: You may need to maximize your Outlook window, or make it larger in order to see the new button on the task ribbon.

Windows Outlook client:

windows outlook phishing button in menu

Mac Outlook client (classic view):

Mac Outlook classic client phishing

Mac Outlook client (New Outlook view):

Click the “See more items” icon, which looks like three dots, to access the button.

Mac Outlook New Outlook phishing

If using the Webmail client, inside the email message, click the “More actions” icon, which looks like three dots, to access the button.

webmail phishing button guide

For more information, including examples of commonly used phishing schemes and related topics, please see UF Information Security’s Email Safety page.