Welcome to the Ordway Lab!
Our lab studies the origin, maintenance, and conservation of tropical avian biodiversity.

Lab Director
Scott K. Robinson, Ordway Professor of Ecosystem Conservation, 352-273-1965, srobinson@flmnh.ufl.edu
Our current research interests include the following projects:
- Impacts of agricultural land use change and forest fragmentation on avian communities across the Andes (Harry Jones, Daniel Montalvo, and Ian Ausprey)
- Avian community turnover along precipitation gradients in tropical dry forests of Peru and Ecuador (Daniel Montalvo and Diego Garcia)
- How climate structures avian reproductive phenology and trophic interactions in tropical montane forests of Peru (Felicity Newell)
- Avian behavior and social interactions within colonial nesting species of Kenya (Stephanie Wheeler)
- Urban ecology and signalling of the Northern Mockingbird in Florida (Mitch Walters)
- Environmental education, biological capacity building, and science communication in rural tropical communities (Lab)