The Florida Museum’s Paleobotanical Collection includes approximately 250,000 specimens. In addition, the facility houses the John W. Hall paleobotanical collection (approximately 20,000 specimens) transferred from the University of Minnesota.

The collection is international in scope, ranging from the Proterozoic to the Pleistocene, and including collections from more than 50 countries. Particular strengths of the collection are: Cretaceous of the US western interior, Cretaceous and Eocene of southeastern North America, Eocene and Oligocene of the Pacific northwest, and Pennsylvanian of Indiana and Illinois.

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The 40th Mid-Continent Paleobotanical Colloquium (MPC)

April 21-23, 2023, Gainesville, Florida

MPC 2023 Abstracts

MPC Program with map

MPC second circular, Gainesville, Florida