As the other interns have previously stated, our trip to Panama over Spring Break was a huge success! Here’s my take on it:

Panama City was an amazing place to visit and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the city. My favorite part however was the time spent in the field. I mostly spent my time at Las Cascadas. Many cool fossils were found (protoceratid skull, snake vertebrae, horse teeth, and many more) and although it was hot we had a great time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I also was able to explore a few marine sites and find various crab and shrimp fossils which was really fun and different for me. Below are some pictures from the trip.

Since being back in Florida I have been working on my research on fossil squirrels from Panama and Florida. I am interested in analyzing the postcrania of the genus Petauristodon in order to reconstruct locomotor behavior. As of recent I’ve been going through the collections from the Thomas Farm locality in Florida looking for postcranial elements. Hopefully I will have interesting progress to report soon!