Shell fragments

Working Around the Lab

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been working around the lab unpacking, organizing, and preparing the Panama specimens. I’ve … Continue

Specimen recently unpacked

All the Small Things

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on several smaller projects around the lab that have included identifying … Continue

The shell of the modern muricid gastropod Murex globusus (left) and a fossil barnacle with an incomplete drill hole from the Armuelles Formation of Panama. (M. globusus photo courtesy of Kevmin, barnacle photo excerpted from Klompmaker et al. 2015)

Fossil Friday 5/8/15: Barnacles!

This Fossil Friday we have a barnacle from the Pleistocene Armuelles Formation. Barnacles are crustacean arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea), … Continue

Two sample specimen from the State Museum of Entomology in Gainesville, Florida. Loaned by Dr. G.B. Edwards

Milly the Millipede

For the last few weeks Roger and I have been prepping out the millipede that was found by Aaron Wood in … Continue