Jose Santiago Saez excavating along the Panama Canal, 2014.
Jose Santiago Saez excavating along the Panama Canal, 2014.

A week ago we said goodbye to the PCP PIRE interns and intern supervisor that had been excavating and researching in Panama since January 2014.

They are returning to their PhD programs (Ryan Haupt), beginning PhD studies (Caitlin Colleary, Gussie Maccracken, and intern supervisor Pedro Monarrez), or entering the professional workforce with the USGS (Jose Santiago Saez).

We wish them well.

This Sunday, a group of four new interns arrive for a week of training in Gainesville, FL.  They will depart for Panama on May 28.

Michelle Barboza, Robyn Henderek, Wesley von Dassow, and Evan Whiting will take over where the last interns left off, and continue to explore Panama’s fossil riches.

This will be a return trip for Evan, who completed field work in the canal in March as a part of the 2014 University of Florida course entitled “Cenozoic Vertebrates of the Neotropics.”