The Friends of the Randell Research Center have responded in a big way to the $50,000 challenge gift opportunity offered on March 2 by Paul and Warren Miller and Dwight and Sue Sipprelle (see Friends newsletter, vol. 7, no. 1).

Three people holding a check and standing in front of the Randell Research Center sign
Robert Wells, Jr. presents a check for $8,000, a joint gift from him and Charles Edwards, May 13, 2008. Left to right: Wells, Karen Walker, Bill Marquardt. The check went into the Building Fund and was matched by $8,000 from the Millers and Sipprelles. Photo by V. Amsler

Donations to the Building Fund ranged from $15 to $10,000, and all gifts are appreciated. By June 6, $49,960 had been contributed. Linda and Jim Heffner’s donation of fifty dollars that day put us over the top. The Millers and Sipprelles have sent their matching checks.

We will resume work on the Ruby Gill House as soon as the detailed construction plans are done and permits are in hand. Thank you, one and all, for your generous donations. If all goes as expected, the Randell Research Center will be able to move back into its offices and laboratories within a few months. Look for progress reports in the newsletter.

This article was taken from the Friends of the Randell Research Center Newsletter Vol 7, No. 2. June 2008.