Lydia Cuni, Field Biologist, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, left, and Tiffany Moore, Butterfl y Specialist, Zoo Miami, visited Pineland to assess habitats for possible reintroduction of the endangered Miami blue butterfly.
Botanist Lydia Cuni of the Fairchild Botanical Garden visited Pineland and other southwest Florida sites to assess habitats for possible reintroductions of the endangered Miami blue butterfly. Photo by Charles O’Connor.
A tiny bladderwort, Utricularia subulata, caught the eye of Lydia Cuni.
Ripening papaya fruit overhang the Smith Mound trail. Papaya seeds over a thousand years old were identified in excavations at Pineland. Photo by Charles O’Connor.
Modern masks at an ancient site. Photo by Charles O’Connor.
Volunteer Nancy O’Brien removes invasive, exotic plants. Photo by Charles O’Connor.
Photos by Charles O’Connor