The Sear Family Foundation Endowment allows us to provide free field trips to 4th grade students from local Title I schools.   This experience informs students about the powerful and successful Calusa who once lived in southwest Florida.  Fourth grade students from non Title I schools are welcome to visit for a nominal fee of $4 per student. 

For more information, Call 239-283-2157.

Artifacts, tool replicas, and museum quality trail signage also bring the past to life for the students. The tour is recommended for students in grades 4 or 8 and can be tailored for other groups.


Title 1 schools are not responsible for fees.  RRC requests a per student donation of $4 for the services of staff and docents and to support the mission of preservation. The RRC is a non-profit program and does not receive State or University funding for its operations. However, if these tours are part of a classroom curriculum, and if RRC has space available, students will not be turned away if the school is unable to provide the $4 per student donation.

Additional Information

Field Trips must be scheduled and confirmed ahead of time.  Bus parking, restrooms and picnic tables are available. Students should dress for outdoor weather conditions and wear sturdy tie-on shoes, no sandals. Chaperones are welcome. Schools are responsible for all transportation arrangements and costs. Title 1 schools are not responsible for transportation costs.

To Schedule

Call Annisa Karim at 239-283-2157 or email