In Your Home

Recycle logo two arrows arranged in a circle

Valuable resources, including resources from wildlife habitats, are used in making the products we use every day. By recycling, we reduce the amount of these valuable resources that are removed from nature.

Reduce/Eliminate Use of Chemicals logo, simple line drawing of a chemical beaker
Reduce/Eliminate Use of Chemicals

Many of the products we use every day contain harmful chemicals that are not only harmful to humans but can have collateral effects on other species that the chemicals are not meant to target. Choose products made from natural ingredients whenever possible.

In Your Backyard

Create Habitats logo, simple line drawing of a house

Create Habitats

Choose shaded or other areas where you find it difficult to grow grass and create a habitat. Select a variety of local plants to create diversity in your landscape and a place for nature to thrive.

Discover Butterflies & Moths

Plant Native Species logo, simple line drawing on two leaves

Plant Native Species

Choose shaded or other areas where you find it difficult to grow grass and create a habitat. Select a variety of local plants to create diversity in your landscape and a place for nature to thrive.

In Your Community

Buy Local logo, simple line drawing of a shopping basket

Buy Local

Purchasing food from local growers not only supports your local economy, but it allows you to play a more active role in how your food is produced. You can ask your grower questions about the food and suggest alternate practices if there are ways for them to be more ecologically sound.

Volunteer logo simple line silhouette


From starting a community garden to leading a weekly trash pickup, volunteering provides an excellent way to help reverse the decline in your community and raise awareness about environmentally friendly practices.