Conservation-Oriented References on Sharks compiled by:
George H. Burgess
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Applegate, S.P., Soltelo-Macias, F. and Espinosa-Arrubarrena, L. 1993. An overview of Mexican shark fisheries, with suggestions for shark conservation in Mexico. U.S. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 115, 31-37.
Barnett, R. 1996. Shark Fisheries and Trade in East and Southern Africa, pp. 329-339. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Barnett, R. 1996. The Shark Trade in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, pp. 375-411. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Bentley, N. 1996. Australia Overview, pp. 661-749. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Bonfil, R. 1998. Elasmobranch bycatch monitoring, pp. 85-87. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., eds. Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries, pp.85-87.
Bonfil, R. 1998. Pattern and trends in world shark fisheries, pp. 2-4. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., (eds). Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries.
Boyd, E. 1997? Putting the bite on shark fishing. Rodale’s SCUBA Diving, Aug.9.
Branstetter, S. 1991. Shark early life history – one reason sharks are vulnerable to overfishing, pp. 29-34. In: Gruber, S.H., (ed). Discovering Sharks. Amer. Littoral Soc.
Branstetter, S. (ed.). 1993. Conservation Biology of Elasmobranchs. U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 115, 99 p. [A compendium of nine technical articles].
Broan, W.J. 1997. Shark is efficient, but picky eater. New York Times, July, 15 C1-C2.
Camhi, M., Fowler, S., Musick, J., Bräutigam, A. and Fordham, S. 1998. Sharks and their relatives: Ecology and conservation. Occasional paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Cambridge: IUCN No. 20, 39 p.
Carrier, J.C. and Pratt, H.L. 1998. Habitat management and closure of a nurse shark breeding and nursery ground. Fish. Res. 39(2): 209-213.
Casey, J.M. 1997. Potential extinction of a large, widely ranging marine fish: the barndoor skate (Raja laevis). Masters thesis, 11 p.
Chen, G.C.T., Liu, K.-M., Joung, S.-J., and Phipps, M.J. 1996. Shark Fisheries and Trade in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan: TRAFFIC East Asia-Taipei, Project Report, 48 p.
Chen, G.C.T., Liu, K.-M., Joung, S.-J., and Phipps, M.J. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in Taiwan, pp. 269-322. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Chivers, C.J. 1999. Stop the butchery: Sharks suffer form poor casting, human predators. USA Today, March 19.
Church, V. 1992. Danger: No sharks! Newsweek, Dec 14: 64-65.
Compagno, L. 1998. Red List species assessments, pp. 72-73. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., (eds). Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries, pp.72-73.
Compagno, L. 1998. Status of freshwater elasmobranchs, pp. 76-77. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., (eds). Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries.
Compagno, L.J.V. 1990. Shark exploitation and conservation. U.S. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 90, 391-414.
Compagno, L.J.V. and Cook, S.F. 1995. Status of the giant freshwater stingray (whipray) Himantura chaophraya (Monkolprasit and Roberts 1990). Shark News 5: 5.
Daves, N.K. and Nammack, M.F. 1998. U.S. and international mechanisms for protecting and managing shark resources. Fish. Res. 39(2): 223-228.
Dayton, L. 1991. Save the sharks. New Scientist, June 15, 34-38.
Dorfman, A. 1991. Are sharks becoming extinct? Time, March 4: 67.
Fleming, E.H. and Papageorgiou, P.A. 1996. Shark Fisheries and Trade in Europe, pp. 457-604. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Fordham, S.V. 1996. New England groundfish: from glory to grief, a portrait of America’s most devastated fishery. Washington, DC: Center for Marine Conservation, 169 p.
Fowler, S. 1996. Elasmobranch biodiversity and conservation in Sabah. Shark News 7, 12-13.
Fowler, S. and Camhi, M. 1998. Shark Specialist Group update – Action plan and report to CITES, pp. 58-60. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., (eds.). Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries;
Fussman, C. 1991. Hunting the Hunter. Time Magazine 14 (10): 22-28, 30.
Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B., (eds.) 1998. Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries, 143 p.
Gruber, S.H. and Manire, C.A. 1989. Challenge of the chondrichthyans. Chondros 1(1): 1,3.
Gruber, S.H. (ed.). 1991. Discovering Sharks. American Littoral Society, Highlands, New Jersey, 122 p. [Twenty review chapters on shark biology and conservation].
Gruber, S.H. and Manire, C.A. 1991. The only good shark is a dead shark?, pp. 115-121. In: Gruber, S.H., (ed.). Discovering Sharks: Amer. Littoral Soc.
Hanfee, F. 1996. The Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in India, pp. 605-637. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Hayes, E. 1996. New Zealand Overview, pp. 751-790. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Hayes, E. 1996. Oceania Overview, pp. 643-659. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Heneman, B. and Glazer, M. 1996. More rare than dangerous: a case study of white shark conservation in California, pp. 481-491. In: Klimley, A.P. and Ainley, D.G., (eds.). Great White Sharks: The Biology of Carcharodon carcharias. San Diego: Academic Press.
Hinman, K. 1997. Sharks: More protection needed. Salt Water Sportsman. Sept. 3, 42-43.
Hoff, T.B. 1990. Conservation and management of the western north Atlantic shark resource based on the life history strategy limitations of sandbar sharks [Ph.D. Dissertation]: University of Delaware, 282 p.
Hoff, T.B. and Castro, J.I. 1991. U.S. shark fishery management for the Atlantic Ocean, pp. 112-114. In: Gruber, S.H., (ed.). Discovering Sharks: Amer. Littoral Soc.
Hudson, E. 1998. Assessing threats to marine fishes using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, pp. 63-70. In: Gribble, N.A., McPherson, G. and Lane, B. (eds.). Shark Management and Conservation. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries.
Hudson, E. and Mace, G. (eds.). 1996. Marine Fish and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. Report of the workshop held in collaboration with WWF and IUCN at the Zoological Society of London from April 29th-May 1st, Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN); 199626 p.
Hueter, R.E. 1996. Catch/tag-and-release: the conservation option for recreational shark fishermen. Shark News, 77.
Ishihara, H. and Homma, K. 1995. Shark conservation up to date and in future. Rep. Japan. Soc. Elasmobranch Stud. 32 ed., Japanese Soc. for Elasmobranch Studies, 41 pp.
Kelso, B.J. 1998. North American countries still lack effective protection for sharks. Species, 14-15.
Keong, C.H., (ed.). 1996. Shark Fisheries and Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in Southeast Asia, pp. 807-945. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Kiyono, H. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in Japan, pp. 145-197. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Marshall, N.T. 1996. The Seychelles Shark Fishery, pp. 341-348. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Marshall, N.T. 1996. The Somali Shark Fishery in the Gulf of Aden and the Western Indian Ocean, pp. 355-363. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Marshall, N.T. 1996. Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in Eritrea, pp. 349-354. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Marshall, N.T. 1996. Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in Kenyan Waters, pp. 365-374. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Matthew, P. 1996. Soloman Islands, Western Province Overview, pp. 791-805. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume II. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Oliver, A. 1996. Draft Discussion Paper Pursuant to CITIS Resolution Conf. 9.17: An Overview of the Biological Status of Shark Species. 15 July 1996. National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 53 p. plus appendices.
Parry-Jones, R. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in Hong Kong, pp. 83-143. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Parry-Jones, R. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in the People’s Republic of China, pp. 19-81. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Parry-Jones, R. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in the Republic of Korea, pp. 199-268. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Pepperell, J.G. (ed). 1992. Sharks: Biology and Fisheries. CSIRO, Australia, 349 p. (Also issued as: Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43(1):1-343.) [Proceedings of an international conference on shark biology and conservation held at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia].
Phipps, M.J. 1996. TRAFFIC Report on Shark Fisheries and Trade in the East Asian region, pp. 7-17. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Pratt, H.L., Gruber, S.H., and Taniuchi, T. 1990. Elasmobranchs as Living Resources: Advances in the Biology, Ecology, Systematics and the Status of the Fisheries. U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 90, 518 p. [A compendium of thirty-nine technical articles].
Rose, D.A. 1996. An Overview of World Trade in Sharks and Other Cartilaginous Fishes. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 106 p.
Smale, M.J. 1996. Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in South Africa, pp. 431-455. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Sousa, M.I., Marshall, N.T. and Smale, M.J. 1996. The Shark Trade in Mozambique, pp. 413-429. In: The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC’s Regional Studies, Volume I. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Various Authors. 1977. Sharks. Oceans. 10 (6): 8-47.
Weber, M.L. and Fordham, S.V. 1997. Managing Shark Fisheries: Opportunities for International Conservation. TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 61 p.
Youth, H.M. 1992. Shark-Eating Man. World Watch 5 (2): 7-9.