Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More

the cover of a book with a colorful texture like octopus suckers and the title All Things BeautifulNatural history museums are libraries of life. All Things Beautiful: Wonders from the Collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History reveals some of the remarkable animals, plants, fossils, and cultural heritage materials that make up the 40 million+ specimens and objects of the Florida Museum of Natural History.

With 10 chapters exploring diverse themes including the collector’s impulse, fields of adventure, remembering the lost, and saving the imperiled, award-winning environmental journalist Heather Dewar captures the vast scope of the museum’s activities to document and discover all forms of life on Earth. Profiles of pathbreaking curators explore the excitement of generating new knowledge, from living in the field with Komodo dragons to discovering new species and using cutting-edge technologies to see and share collections worldwide.

Extraordinary color, form, pattern, and texture are revealed in the stunning images of Florida Museum photographer Kristen B. Grace. Focusing on rare, beautiful, and fascinating highlights from the collections, these images, along with their compelling stories, will inspire those who love nature, science, museums, and the thrill of discovery.

All Things Beautiful: Wonders from the Collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History

Lushly illustrated with over 300 color plates, this volume is a celebration of the beauty of natural history collections and the work of curators dedicated to understanding and conserving our natural world.

Text by Heather Dewar
Photographs by Kristen B. Grace
Edited by Beverly Sensbach
Design by Hollis H. Wooley

Hardcover, 360 pages, 12×10

This new book is available in our Collectors Shop or it can be ordered online from University Press of Florida.