cover of book with fish on itFishes in the Fresh Water of Florida: An Identification Guide and Atlas

by Robert Robins, Lawrence Page, James Williams, Zachary Randall, and Griffin Sheehy
Hardbound, 488 pages.

Amazing photos and thorough species information make this book the essential field guide to freshwater fishes in Florida. From avid fishing enthusiasts to scientists doing field work, it is intended to be a detailed reference for identifying species in all freshwater habitats in the state.

This book was created by the researchers in our Ichthyology Collection here at the Florida Museum to provide a complete reference guide to the species of fishes known to be found in Florida’s freshwater habitats. It includes native species as well as non-native species, and fishes that are known to enter freshwater from marine environments.

About the making of this book:
Florida fishes book features live photos

Browse photos and minimal species information excerpted from the book:
Fishes in the Fresh Waters of Florida Gallery