Mira todos los ejemplos de GUATEMALA POLYCHROME

Nombre Tipológico: | GUATEMALA POLYCHROME |
Índice del Tipo: | MAJOLICA |
Lugar de Producción: | GUATEMALA |
Fecha de Producción: | 1580-20th century |
Definir Atributos: |
Hard, gritty paste, dark red in color Off-white background enamel which varies from thick to nearly translucent. Polychrome designs painted predominantly in green, yellow, and black. Orange, blue, dark brown, and purple are also occasionally used. Rims are banded in green and yellow, and designs typically occur in a central medallion, and around the marly. Motifs consist of bands, curves, splotches, dots, floral, and zoomorphic designs |
Forma del Recipiente: |
Comentarios: | There is little published on specific types of Guatemalan majolicas. The major center is thought to have been at Santiago, Guatemala, and very little of this majolica was exported to other areas of the Spanish Americas. |
Definiciones Publicadas: | Deagan 1987; Lister and Lister 1974; Luján Muñoz 1975 |