Mira todos los ejemplos de LA TRAZA POLYCHROME

Nombre Tipológico: | LA TRAZA POLYCHROME |
Índice del Tipo: | MAJOLICA |
Lugar de Producción: | MEXICO |
Fecha de Producción: | 1500-1600 |
Definir Atributos: |
Paste usually ranges from buff to salmon/light-orange in color, but can be cream as well Off-white background enamel, decorated with various shades of blue, yellow, and orange Rims usually decorated in crude floral motif consisting of curved stems with leaves, primarily in blue with yellow and/or orange accents Center of plates may have floral designs Exterior of bowls usually have two to three blue bands |
Forma del Recipiente: |
Comentarios: | Lister and Lister (1982) believe that La Traza Polychrome was inspired by Sevillan majolicas, though others suggest Talaveran styles as a possible inspiration. It is possible that this type was produced only during the second half of the 16th century. |
Definiciones Publicadas: | Lister and Lister 1978,1982:18-22 |