Mira todos los ejemplos de MEXICO CITY POLYCHROME

Nombre Tipológico: | MEXICO CITY POLYCHROME |
Índice del Tipo: | MAJOLICA |
Lugar de Producción: | MEXICO CITY, MEXICO |
Fecha de Producción: | 1540-1775 |
Definir Atributos: |
Paste is pinkish-tan, untempered and granular. Background enamel is cream or yellow-tinted, thinly applied and subject to wear, pinholing and crawling. Designs are painted in washed-out cobalt blue, with motifs including palmettes, loops, fronds, and groups of slanted parallel lines or dashes separated by dots or lobes. Designs are identical to those of Mexico City Blue on Cream, but with a swipe of orange or yellow paint. |
Forma del Recipiente: |
Comentarios: | Mexico City Polychrome is part of the Mexico City common ware majolica tradition that came into production around 1540. This type is very uncommon. |
Definiciones Publicadas: | Lister and Lister 1978:16, 1982:28 |