Mira todos los ejemplos de SAN JOSE POLYCHROME

Nombre Tipológico: | SAN JOSE POLYCHROME |
Índice del Tipo: | MAJOLICA |
Lugar de Producción: | MEXICO |
Fecha de Producción: | 1800-1900 |
Definir Atributos: |
Typically buff to orange colored paste with heavy sand tempering Off-white enamel with decoration in orange and green Most common decoration motif consists of bands in either orange or green and floral or dots elements Dark-brown to black may be present on floral elements |
Forma del Recipiente: |
Comentarios: | Seifert (1977) belives this type was probably produced in Puebla, Guanajuato, or Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico. |
Definiciones Publicadas: | Seifert 1977 |