Mira todos los ejemplos de TETEPANTLA BLACK ON WHITE

Nombre Tipológico: | TETEPANTLA BLACK ON WHITE |
Índice del Tipo: | MAJOLICA |
Lugar de Producción: | MEXICO |
Fecha de Producción: | 1800-1850 |
Definir Atributos: |
Paste can be tan or salmon colored, and is sand tempered. Background enamel is glossy, smooth and off-white, and is painted with black or brown designs. A wavy rim band or wavy helix with associated dots is common along the rim, and central designs can include floral, bird and geometric motifs. Decoration occurs in either or both black and brown to dark-brown. |
Forma del Recipiente: |
Comentarios: | Seifert (1977) belives this type was probably produced in Puebla, Mexico. |
Definiciones Publicadas: | Seifert 1977 |