Exhibits building closes SOON for the expansion! Last day to visit is Sunday, March 23. Learn More

Have you noticed more energy buzzing through the Museum the last couple of weeks? That energizing current is being generated by our new corps of Junior Volunteers! This summer 110 JVs will be serving the Museum as camp teacher assistants, Discovery Cart attendants, exhibit docents and Discovery Room attendants, as well as working with researchers in the McGuire Center Lepidoptera collections. This year’s JVs will also help with the grand opening of the Discovery Zone the week of July 17.

JV groupThese 12- to 17-year-olds have gone through an application and interview process and have been selected for two weeks of service. While accumulating about 40 service hours, they will have the opportunity to improve their public speaking skills, learn more about the Museum and natural history, and gain experience working in labs and with younger children.

Last year our Junior Volunteers dedicated more than 4,400 hours to the Museum. With five additional JVs this summer, we should climb over 4,500 hours! Our JVs are also diverse, not just in their interests, but culturally as well. More than 20% are multilingual and more than 10 languages are spoken.

The JVs will serve throughout the summer so come visit them at their Discovery Carts and quiz them on their knowledge! Or learn more about the Museum by taking a tour from one of our amazing exhibit docents!

Applications for our 2018 Junior Volunteer season will become available on our website and the Powell Hall front desk Feb. 26.